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F​​​-​​​G​χ​に​よ​う​こ​そ​! [UNIT 001]

by Start-Up シーケンス



Here I am, finally to my destination…

The now famous [人間Co.] headquarters

I once thought of this place as a myth, I remember back when I first heard of the cybernetic implant program. I almost leapt at the prospect, to be able to transform this fragile body, to become something greater. . . I would pay any price

Updates were made public and there were a few promo videos released in forums, but still there were no live trial presentations….Nothing too solid had released showcasing the products,. . . . it almost appeared to be a classical form of vaporware.

Weeks went by with no sign of hope, but then I found it . Through a hidden source, as well as life long friend of mine, I learned there were trials being set in place and [人間Co.] was in search of beta testers or as they called them “UNIT’s”

I immediately went online to sign up overwhelmed with excitement but, it wasn’t that easy. On the websites domain I was given only a generic number code "40.695119-112.005540" and a message that said “follow the past, we’ll see you soon”. I sat puzzled as I wondered what it could be. At this time I shut my laptop and left to question Yuto.... my friend, and my hidden source for all inside details to everything and anything, I found him in the down of Neo Shibuya at our favorite ramen joint, I ordered my bowl and sat myself across from him. Yuto greeted me and asked me how my search had been going, he had a look in his eyes that told me he knew why I was here.....I asked him what the meaning was to this numeric code on the website he gave me….He paused took a loud slurp of broth and looked me dead in the eye telling me he was clueless himself. He had been at a loss for over 2 weeks before coming to me in hopes I could discover the answer. I realized then that this is why he had filled me in on such a big secret.....even though we are best friends this is a rare opportunity and there's slim chance both of us could become UNIT''s . I went home and dwelt on the number in my mind the rest of the night. I laid on my bed as I stared at the ceiling in wonderment.....a thousand ideas went through my head, but nothing worked on paper....I couldn't decode it,. ......

I juggled the numbers around in my head “40.695119-112.005540” It just didn’t make any sense…..Go to the past….

I started jumping back to every update, every forum, and every video ever released by the company, I reviewed it all, every minute detail when I finally saw a clue… “40.695119-112.005540” it was plastered right across the one of the tanks in the backdrop of the first video release they made where they described the benefits to the procedure. What did it mean though?. . . . I scoured the video in search of some clue but it didn’t really seem to give me much. I looked into the page and saw UNIT000 as the username….. There was no way to contact the user on website,but that's hardly an issue for me. After bypassing Admin interface and cracking into the weak excuse for encoded profiling I found UNIT000's contact information.... I sent out an email with the numerical code
About a week went by and I got no response. I continued to search the video every day and search the forums as well but it was pointless, there was nothing there,....2 more weeks had gone by and I still had no response....... I had finally given up. I began to close all my search browsers and I went to close the stupid video site that teased me when a private message appeared in my inbox….username UNIT000…..

I hopped onto my inbox and opened my message in hopes of an answer, but was greeted by a very loud screeching until white and pink static appeared in a box on screen, a granulated message appeared “Tokinosha Shuoito congratulations on making it this far….we have been waiting for you. Traveling arrangements have been made and you will leave tomorrow morning. You will be staying at our facility for 30 days to monitor your bodies reaction and ensure all software and hardware integration goes through successfully. Please have all your belonging you wish to take ready for our private driver who will be arriving at your house at exactly 12:00 PM. ”…..I couldn’t believe it! I finally had succeeded in my pursuit!

I would finally be transformed into something better and leave this fragile shell behind! I was shocked, I almost went numb.....but a thought crossed my mind. How did they know my name, and how did they know my exact coordinates. I've never disclosed that information anywhere electronically or physically and I wrote them through a private DFPN secured network? It was very strange but I determined It was unimportant, all that mattered is I had made it.

The Driver arrived at 12:00 PM as promised, I gathered my bag of belongings and I bid my empty house farewell.

Now I am here at [人間Co.] headquarters and I prepare for my procedure. I can’t lie, I am a bit nervous, I have longed for this as long as I can remember and now that its in my grasp I find myself trembling at the prospect…, but I continue on. I walk up to the front doors. Before me stands an all glass building that almost seems surreal as it reflects against the sun. Its unlike any structure I've seen. The architecture is not extraordinary but the reflective curve is something I can't describe. As I walk up I hear the doors unlock and I begin to walk in. I am greeted by a robotic voice that instructs me to proceed to the left and continue to the check in room.

I walk in the room, there is eerie silence. I am the only person in here as I walk toward what appears to be the service counter. I assume someone is certainly behind the desk, but as I walk up to the glass no one is there….Am I in the right room? I only saw one door..... I mean they have to know I’m here right? . . . Confused I begin to step slowly back as I feel a strange presence creep over me. I in fear turn to leave the doors I came in from as a loud voice comes over an intercom in the darkness… “TOKINOSHA SHUOITO….YOU HAVE HAD THE HONOR OF BEING SELECTED FOR OUR NEW CYBERNETIC ADVANCEMENT PROGRAM….YOU ARE ONE OF THE SELECTED FEW WHO WILL HAVE THE HONOR OF ADVANCING TO A STRONGER BETTER BEING….ONE OF THE FIRST TO TAKE THE NEXT STEP IN EVOLUTIONARY GROWTH…WE ARE READY TO RECEIVE YOU NOW…PLEASE ENTER THROUGH THE DOORS TO THE BACK RIGHT OF THIS ROOM..” a harsh radio frequency hit and as it stopped a set of doors began to open as a lighted path guided me forward.

As I walk in the room the doors shut swift behind me and I'm led down a hallway into a dark room with some weird contraption against the wall. It’s kind of an ugly place….for such a beautiful exterior appearance the interior appearance of this building is hideous….exposed wires and worn out structure. I guess this is the beta testing building though so its to be expected. Once trials go through and it moves to the public I’m sure the building will be much more “welcoming”. A doctor walks in and instructs me to remove my clothes. I strip down shyly before slipping to the floor and almost cracking my skull open as I try removing my sock. After a fairly brief physical and a few short questions I am prompted towards the contraption I first saw when I entered the room. I'm told to stand up straight with my back against the padded back brace and place my hands above my head. As I do so mechanical arms latched onto my ankles and wrists, a cold steel clamp latches across my waist, the machine began to lift from the floor. Needles are injected in my vein and a sharp electric pain shoots up my entire arm. Its worse than any shot I've had before, I can almost feel it against my brain. The doctors voice comes over an intercom in the operation room. “You will now be given a mild anesthetic….the effects will put your body in a state of paralysis, but will leave you conscious. We can not allow you to go under or else software will not properly integrate into your system. . . This will hurt….you will feel pain, but it will all be over soon." her voice is cold..... As I look around I see she's left the room. I hear the whirling of electronics around me and I immediately feel a fear sweep over me like I’ve never experienced before. I didn’t know this was how the procedure worked…. I feel the initial cut into my flesh and I scream inside. Inaudible to the world around me, I scream in agonizing pain and terror. As blade scrapes bone I curse at my organic self, I curse at what I have done, I curse myself for being weak... I’m pierced again. Mechanical tubes impact my rib cage and I immediately feel the breath swept away from me. I feel myself begin to go under but I can't, I feel myself tire and as I almost go under electrical shocks are sent to my brain and I'm jolted back to agonizing life. What kind of hell is this? ! Artificial parts begin to replace my limbs and organs lost. The heat from the electronics burn against the remaining nerve ends that remain on my body and I feel an agonizing headache when the system is booted up. Immediately all mechanical arms retract and the machine moves to the wall descending to the floor. The harness releases from my waist, my feet are unshackled followed by my hands..... I fall to the floor.

I’m not in pain though…..throughout the procedure I was in so much pain but as I fall to the floor the pain has immediately left my body. . . As I bring myself to my feet I feel renewed, revitalized, reborn…. I feel power course through me, I feel like god. In this moment I can’t even recall what my organic self felt like. As if my life before was wiped out from existence, its like I did a factory reset on life and am beginning anew. I feel empowered, I feel invincible. The doctor enters into the room again and begins to run some basic tests on me (mainly the same physical as before, but more in depth). After running a diagnostics check she tells me all is a success and welcomes me to the family giving me the identity UNIT001…

I am led to a bedroom that is now officially mine. It’s quaint, a nice sized bed with a small kitchen setup in the right corner, and what seems to be a restroom in the back... No television though and no computer….Just a table, and a personal E-journal I’ve been given. I’ve been told all communication from the outside world must be blocked to ensure all details of the experiment are contained…..I am upset, but I understand. The doctor leaves me alone and instructs me to get some rest so I do so gladly. I begin to go under and allow my new body to shut down., In my sleep though I have horrible nightmares, voices fill my head…..I hear 1000 voices at once and I can’t focus on just one of them, I feel suffocated I try to break free from it but I feel myself trapped among the voice as towering mechanical walls build around me. I hear the voices mention terrible things, I hear talk of disgusting vile acts towards others and I feel sick images of it all and my mind is plagued. I wake up drenched in sweat.

I don’t know how to explain what has just happened. What a disgusting dream, and how real….It was unlike anything I’ve experienced before. I had thoughts that weren’t mine, like someone had crawled into my brain and was tampering with my thoughts….I felt so helpless as I search for help lost among voices in mechanical confinement…..Just a dream though. I need to try and go back to sleep and get some rest. I close my eyes and feel my body begin to shut down…..As soon as I shutdown however the nightmares come rushing back…..I am cloaked in darkness as a red light begins to illuminate the room. Voices begin to echo against the walls and again I feel myself lost in chaos. I can’t make out anything but I feel a crushing pressure on my entire being. I feel myself become physically sick . I begin to cry and breaking lose I begin running for my life. I scream out for help, but there's no one there. Mechanical walls begin to rise above me and I’m trapped among the voices again. I cry out for help, but I'm suffocated by the others. I am a lonely lost soul trapped and unrecognizable like them…..a screen appears before me…..I see a barren landscape, I see the bodies of people rotting in the streets, I see a lady running in terror before being shred to pieces by some ghoulish monster, I weep at the site. What is this place? What kind of hell would house such ghoulish creatures….I try to look away but the images follow me, they won't let me ……As the gruesome scenes continue something becomes apparent. Something is familiar about this city in my dream, but I just can’t put my finger on it....I am at a loss until the screen shot changes and I am standing in my front room again, among all I had once left behind….I turn to look out the window and I see the same world torn before me. . . I scream in horror as I realize what I am watching is my hometown. I burst through the door and run into the streets in a panic. I run out to look for my friends and my loved ones. I had to find Yuto, I had to find my mother and father, I had to find my recent girlfriend who I had separated with Kyoko.... I had to find them and get them out of this place!! As I searched for a trace of anyone I came across a blood trail and before me in the dark stood the monster.....

I realize in this dream I am still my organic self. My limbs are still my own, and my organs too….. It didn't occur to me until now but I feel weak, I feel out of breath and I tear up as I begin to realize my limitations..... I scream in fury and run towards it, the monster slowly stepping forward into the light. As we meet eyes I freeze my jaw drops in horror. . . I am looking into the face of myself. The body is disfigured and facial structure reworked, but looking into its eyes I see myself, a gross disgusting mess of inorganic growth surrounding a small fragment of a human shell. The beast before me drenched in blood.....he lunges forward to me, before ripping me to shreds ..... The last thing I saw was Kyoko's locket I gave her last summer resting in the back of the monsters mouth......I wake up in my dim lit bedroom…..

I scream for help but no one comes, I beat against the walls and claw for help but I am here alone. Realization of my premonition leaves me broken. I look at my body and watch the machinery slowly begin to morph my physical structure. I am no longer myself, I know I am no longer here, I am scared as I battle with what I know I will become. I curse myself for being so weak to allow myself to trade my humanity for an inorganic soul and I look back at how grateful I should have been for my weak organic self. I have become superior physically, but at what costs…My system shuts down, and I boot back up as the circuits fry and I feel my brain short circuit. My vision goes blank and an error message appears

Error code:
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releases February 28, 2029


all rights reserved



フューチャゴス「F​​-​​Gχ」 Iizuka, Japan

audio distribution from the digital slums of Colony-6

3095 A.D.成立

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